Event Host: Nichole Proffitt
Event Contact: nichole@nicholeproffitt.com
For full event information, click here.
*This event is not affiliated with WinkWink and is hosted by an outside organization/community member.
MISS BEHAVED, is a comedic theatrical storytelling performance, celebrating the wild women who behave badly and make waves, in a world that has one, or few, scripts for how we are allowed to be, live and love. Miss Behaved is dedicated to telling the stories of women that often don't get told, or when they do, get told as a cautionary tale. It will make you laugh, make you cry, and hopefully inspire anyone who wants to live a life more of their own choosing.
Gutter Queen Video Release
Event Host: Gutter Queen Productions
Event Contact: caelabailey@gmail.com
For full event information, visit gutter.queen.productions on Instagram
4th Corner Polyamory Meetup
Event Host: TBA
Event Contact: TBA
For full event information: Ask WinkWink!
*This event is not affiliated with WinkWink and is hosted by an outside organization/community member.
Uncringe Academy: For 13-17 Year Olds
Event Host: WinkWink
Event Contact: info@winkwinkboutique.com
For full event information, click here.
Sex and Autism
Event Host: B Lourenco
Event Contact: daija@winkwinkboutique.com
For full event information, click here.
Free STI Testing Day
Event Host: Whatcom Health Department
Event Contact: Daija@winkwinkboutique.com
Event Details: Getting an STI can be uncomfortable, but that doesn't mean getting tested for them has to be. Sexually transmitted infections are very common–over half the people in the U.S. will get an STI in their lifetime. Most STIs are curable and even viral infections are very manageable with proper treatment. Shame and stigma have the potential to discourage STI testing and treatment, but with more education the negativity that surrounds STIs reduces, encouraging self-exploration and sexual wellness for life.
WinkWink has joined with the Whatcom County Health Department to host a mobile STI testing day! This day is intended to provide a space to get tested, in a safe, non-judgemental and comfortable way. Eliminate the awkwardness of a waiting room and enjoy activities, movie screening, snacks, and information around STIs and prevention.
Tests available will be: HIV (rapid and confirmatory), HCV rapid, Syphilis testing, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea urine and oral testing
*Results will be received confidentiality*
First Friday
Event Host: WinkWink
Event Contact: daija@winkwinkboutique.com
For full event information visit www.winkwinkboutique.com
Whorchata Presents: Event Production 101
Event Host: Whorchata
Event Contact: whorchata.burlesque@gmail.com
For full event information, click here
Wonderz Market
Event Host: Elijah
Event Contact: thriftedwonderz@gmail.com
For full event information, click here
*This event is not affiliated with WinkWink and is hosted by an outside organization/community member.
4th Corner Polyamory Meetup
Event Host: TBA
Event Contact: TBA
For full event information:
*This event is not affiliated with WinkWink and is hosted by an outside organization/community member.
Pleasure and Pastries
Event Host: WinkWink
Event Contact: daija@winkwinkboutique.com
For full event details, click here!
House of Whorer: Erotic Haunted House
Visit the House of Whorer, WinkWink's Erotic Haunted House! Walk through our hall of kinky doom, ready to jump out of your skin. $8, ages 18+. Open 7-10PM, pay at door. Come if you dare!
Wonderz Market
Event Host: TBA
Event Contact: TBA
For full event information:
*This event is not affiliated with WinkWink and is hosted by an outside organization/community member.
4th Corner Polyamory Meetup
Event Host: TBA
Event Contact: TBA
For full event information:
*This event is not affiliated with WinkWink and is hosted by an outside organization/community member.
Unsubdued Theater Collective: Yee-Haw!
Event Host: Unsubdued Theater Collective
Event Contact: www.unsubduedthreatre.org
The Unsubdued Theatre Collective takes an original and subversive look at the mythos of the Wild West with “Yee-Haw!” a collection of six original one act plays Oct 3rd-5th, and 10th-12th at 7:30PM in the WinkWink performance space (1302 Commercial Street, Bellingham).
Each of the one act plays, and the framing story, are original pieces written and performed by local writers and actors. Tickets are available now at www.unsubduedtheatre.org/
Unsubdued Theater Collective: Yee-Haw!
Event Host: Unsubdued Theater Collective
Event Contact: www.unsubduedthreatre.org
The Unsubdued Theatre Collective takes an original and subversive look at the mythos of the Wild West with “Yee-Haw!” a collection of six original one act plays Oct 3rd-5th, and 10th-12th at 7:30PM in the WinkWink performance space (1302 Commercial Street, Bellingham).
Each of the one act plays, and the framing story, are original pieces written and performed by local writers and actors. Tickets are available now at www.unsubduedtheatre.org/
Wonderz Market
Event Host: Elijah Ryan
Event Contact: thriftedwonderz@gmail.com
For full event information, click here.
*This event is not affiliated with WinkWink and is hosted by an outside organization/community member.
4th Corner Polyamory Meetup
Event Host: TBA
Event Contact: TBA
For full event information:
*This event is not affiliated with WinkWink and is hosted by an outside organization/community member.
4th Corner Polyamory Meetup
Event Host: Rachel Hope
Event Contact: NA
For full event information, ask WinkWink staff!
*This event is not affiliated with WinkWink and is hosted by an outside organization/community member.
Abortion Support Group
Event Host: TBA
Event Contact: TBA
For full event information:
*This event is not affiliated with WinkWink and is hosted by an outside organization/community member.
Not Creepy Gathering for People Who Want to Fall in Love
Event Host: Jenna Bean Veatch
Event Contact: thenotcreepygathering@gmail.com
For full event information, click here.
*This event is not affiliated with WinkWink and is hosted by an outside organization/community member.
Unringe Academy: For 13-17 Year Olds
Event Host: TBA
Event Contact: TBA
For full event information:
Uncringe Academy: For 13-17 Year Olds
Event Host: TBA
Event Contact: TBA
For full event information:
Uncringe Academy: For 9-12 Year Olds
Event Host: TBA
Event Contact: TBA
For full event information:
Uncringe Academy: For 9-12 Year Olds
Event Host: TBA
Event Contact: TBA
For full event information: